Sep 06, 2024

Blackwater fends off late NLEX rally for third straight win

GEORGE King once again led the way and the rest of Blackwater followed, resulting in a 110-99 win over NLEX Friday, the former's third straight in the PBA Governors'Cup at the Ninoy Aquino Stadium.

King finished with 39 points, 15 rebounds, and five assists while punctuating his sterling performance with some clutch shots in the fourth period that helped the Bossing fend off the Road Warriors' spirited uprising from 20 points down.

Troy Rosario, Sedrick Barefield, RK Ilagan, and even Justin Chua all did their fair share as Blackwater avenged a 97-104 loss to the same team the first time they met while tying it on an even 3-3 slate in Group B.

Winning coach Jeff Cariaso couldn't help but heap most of the praises on King, whose game and work ethics has rubbed off on his teammates.

"It's obvious on the court the impact George King has given us the last three games. He's really a fighter, he's a guy who doesn't get rattled and he's a true professional so we're very fortunate to have him," said Cariaso.

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"But I think aside from that, the numbers... what we take as a big value is really his leadership, his composure, and the way he just, you know, inserts himself and how much he wants to be part of this team," added Cariaso.

"So I think that has carried through to all the players and everyone's really feeling good since he's been aboard."

Rosario attested to Cariaso's words with his own double-double of 15 points and 14 rebounds, all but three off the offensive boards, after going scoreless in the first half when his primary assignment was shackle NLEX import Myke Henry.

"Sa akin naman kung ano sabihin ng coaches sa akin gagawin ko lang naman," said Rosario. "First half I was tasked to guard the import ng kabilang team so nahirapan talaga akong makuha rhythm ko sa offense. Tapos nu'ng second half 'yung mga hulog lang ng bola sa offensive rebounds. My teammates din na pinapasa sa akin sa ilalim."

Henry still finished with 26 points, 12 rebounds and six assists while Robert Bolick flirted with a triple double with 21 points, nine rebounds and nine assists after scoring on only two charities in the first half.

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Robby Herndon tossed in 18 points and rookie Jonnel Policarpio hauled down a career-high 11 rebounds, but those were not enough to prevent NLEX from absorbing a second straight loss after a man-sized victory over San Miguel Beer last Saturday.

The Road Warriors did put up a whale of a fight, clawing back from a 57-77 deficit to threaten within 91-98.

But King provided the much-needed poise by eight straight points, including his third four-pointer of the game, to make it a 106-94 game, only 35 ticks left. (NC)

The Scores :

BLACKWATER 110 - King 39, Rosario 15, Barefield 14, Ilagan 13, Chua 11, David 10, Kwekuteye 4, Mitchell 2, Escoto 2, Hill 0, Ponferrada 0.

NLEX 99 - Henry 26, Bolick 21, Herndon 18, Valdez 8, Policarpio 7, Amer 6, Nermal 4, Miranda 3, Marcelo 2, Fajardo 2, Anthony 2.

QUARTERS: 28-21, 61-44, 84-73, 110-99